Dropshipping on Bol


In 1999, bol opened its digital doors as the first bookstore in Europe. The name BOL stands for ‘Books OnLine’. The assortment then consisted of more than 140,000 books and unique was that customers could pay afterwards. Since 2004, bol has been selling much more than books, with the thought ‘why not just make buying books easier’? The range was expanded to include toys, entertainment and electronics. Fast forward to now: now Bol is active as a retailer in the Netherlands and Belgium and has millions of customers and sales are going through the roof. But is dropshipping on bol possible to start selling?

Your business on Bol

Zakelijk verkopen Bol

Are you selling products and want to scale it to a large audience? Then selling through Bol is an interesting option. Bol is one of the largest online shopping platforms in the Netherlands and Belgium, with millions of monthly visitors. By offering your products on Bol, you significantly increase your reach and visibility, which can lead to more potential customers.

In this article, we discuss the benefits of selling through Bol and how to get started. We also provide tips for achieving success on Bol. Are you ready to grow and scale your business? Then read on to learn more about business selling on Bol.

Why Start Selling on Bol

Selling on Bol

In today’s highly competitive e-commerce landscape, expanding your business to new markets can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. For brands looking to tap into the Dutch consumer market, one platform stands out as a powerful gateway: Bol. With its wide reach, established reputation, and customer-centric approach, Bol offers numerous advantages that make it an ideal choice for entering the Dutch market. In this blog post, we will explore the key reasons why brands should start selling on Bol.